Download rise of the industry
Download rise of the industry

The town of Hazel Run is a good place for a beginning because it gives us a lot of options for starting out. There IS a logistics element to the game, but RoI is primarily about finding a demand and supplying the products to meet that demand. It is important to understand that RoI is NOT a 'logistics simulator' where your goal is to ship things here & there as quickly as possible. If you then select ‘Total Sales’ on the left, you will be able to see what stores are available in each town and what products each one will purchase from you.

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Alternately, you can check the ‘Budget Overview’ by clicking the $ in the circle in the top-right corner.

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It is important to note that there may be more than 1 town with a population over 100,000 so you should scroll around the map and look at all of the towns. Higher tier products sell for a higher price, but may not make you as much profit as lower tier items on a percentage basis due to the increased up-front costs of research and infrastructure. This third store is where you can sell higher tier products. Every town will have a Farmers Market and a Hardware Store, but only towns with a population over 100,000 will have a third store. By clicking on the town name, you can see information about the town such as population, resources in the region, and what stores are located in it. When you first enter the map on a new Career, the game will be focused on the town with the largest population. The right town can give you big advantages, while others can make survival difficult. One of the most important things in Rise of Industry is choosing a town where you can begin building your empire.

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